“I assume it”: Gad Elmaleh humorously evokes his baldness

Comedian Gad Elmaleh was the guest of The question box of Canal+ this Monday, February 28. The opportunity for him to promote his upcoming French tour for his new show, he who has just passed his fifties and is raising two sons, from two different women.

The Canadian-Moroccan comic first welcomed the reopening of large halls and the end of the restriction gauges, he then declared: “You have to know how to recognize it when it’s good news, since we will be able to produce in rooms with more than two thousand seats. I think they are doing very well and I think it’s a wise move. I am very happy tonight. Very happy for me, for my team.

This new show, the comedian gives himself up to it entirely. By his own admission, he “talks about everything, but about everything, everything, everything, everything.“While he suffered painful accusations of plagiarism, the interpreter of coconut now sees himself as a more responsible man: I know the press doesn’t want to ask me the question”Is this the show of maturity?” because they are afraid of being ridiculous, but I want this question. I turned fifty and it’s the show of maturity.

The ex of Charlotte Casiraghi does not seem affected by the number of years, quite the contrary. Freed from his taboos and complexes, the actor even goes so far as to assume in front of the camera the capillary inconvenience typical of his age. So when he was asked when was “the last time he felt old“, Gad Elmaleh replied “exactly four seconds ago, because I did this” touching the back of the head. He then chained : “I noticed that there is a camera there [derrière sa tête] and I said to myself: ‘It’s the yarmulke plan, so the baldness plan’. But I take it.“Hilarious, the comedian concluded”This is the implant plan.

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