“I am the caricature of that”: Marc-Olivier Fogiel, what his daughters Mila and Lily reproach him for…

Happy dad sometimes a little overwhelmed by his job – he became general manager of BFMTV – Marc-Olivier Fogiel tries to be as present as possible for Mila (11 years old) and Lily (8 years old), born by GPA in the United States . Fortunately, on a daily basis, he can count on the precious help of her husband François. But, when he is available for his daughters, they find fault all the same…

Indeed, as Marc-Olivier Fogiel has readily acknowledged in the pages of Paris Match, despite his fierce desire to keep rituals set in stone like dropping his daughters off at school in the morning or doing homework on Sundays, it is sometimes difficult for him to be 100% present for his daughters. “They blame me for being on the phone all the time. I’m even the caricature of that… At times, I wonder if I’m not missing out on too many things. I also happen to miss“, confides the former host of the Couch.

While we are in the election period, with the presidential campaign which has started for a few months now, Marc-Olivier Fogiel is inevitably overwhelmed with work. Something to shake up the moments he plans with his daughters, such as in the evening when they go to bed; and sometimes to go back to work afterwards! “So yes, I am constantly disturbed by the phone, the texts and the e-mails, especially in this period of the presidential campaign, but these sanctuary moments are more important than anything. My problem is more the availability of spirit than the availability at all“, he says.

Marc-Olivier Fogiel still happens to be a dad “better off than many other fathers“who sometimes experience more difficult situations with their children and assures that fatherhood has inevitably changed him:”I don’t think I’m the same anymore. I feel more attentive, more sensitive. More open to emotions. More responsible, too. I have no doubts about being a good dad.

Full interview to be found in the magazine Paris Matchedition of February 3, 2022.

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