A serial killer who only targets blondes. A woman who fights against domestic violence and who seeks to put an end to this carnage. A teenage girl stuck in the cycle of prostitution.
From these elements, often used in detective literature, the Italian novelist Donato Carrisi draws an original, perfectly tied up thriller. He locates his plot in Como, on the shores of the lake of the same name. Yes, there are opulent villas and rich families, but also wounded, lonely, threatening people. The author transports us to the heads of his three main characters, but leaving gray areas that are slow to clear up. This is where the suspense lies, more than in the stalking itself. Donato Carrisi explores the psychology of his characters, their motivations, their nature. Is evil inherent? Can it be transmitted? Is it even possible to answer these questions?
The author carefully avoids naming his protagonists: he speaks rather of theman cleaning, of the fly hunter and some girl with a purple wick. What initially seems a simple stylistic process will be important. In fact, everything is calculated. Every scene, every conversation has valuable clues. At the end, when Donato Carrisi knots all the threads in a particularly skillful and unexpected way, the reader finds himself turning back and frantically leafing through the novel to find the clues he had missed, to reread the passages he had. misinterpreted.
Donato Carrisi has written several successful novels, including The whisperer. A lawyer by training, he specialized in criminology and behavioral science. Obviously, he put his expertise to work in I am the abyss.

I am the abyss
Donato Carrisi
350 pages