“I am not climatosceptic, on the other hand you are climato-hypocrite”, launches Marine Le Pen to Emmanuel Macron

War of words on the climate. Emmanuel Macron attacked Marine Le Pen on his environmental proposals during the debate between the two rounds, Wednesday April 20. “You are climatosceptic”, he launched to his opponent. The response was quick: “I am absolutely not climatosceptic, on the other hand you are a little climato-hypocrite”retorted Marine Le Pen.

>> Relive the face-to-face between Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron

The far-right candidate drove the point home. “You defend the worst of punitive ecologyshe asserted, all these decisions which consist in saying that people are guilty because they do not buy an electric car even if they cannot afford (…) low emission zones, people who have old cars can no longer go to big cities, even if there is a hospital. All this punitive ecology is useless, aggravates suffering, because it always falls on those who do not have the means. Yes to the transition, but obviously, let it be in time.”

She also accused Emmanuel Macron of planning offshore wind turbines everywhere “except in front of Le Touquet”the resort of Pas-de-Calais where Emmanuel Macron spends vacations from time to time. “No, still not Madame Le Pen either!” he reacted.

Emmanuel Macron, he pointed the finger at the project of the candidate. [Les experts] say very clearly that your project is not tenable. There is no exit strategy from fossil fuels that goes through all-nuclear. It’s not possible, you can’t replace the current renewable with nuclear”he assured.

On this subject of the climate, franceinfo, in collaboration with the association Les Shifters, analyzed in detail the measures of the candidates. The programs of each contender for the Elysée had been assessed against France’s climate objectives. That of Emmanuel Macron is judged “distant” of this objective, that of Marine Le Pen “very distant, even contrary”.

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