“I am no longer the same”: Amelie Neten in a swimsuit to reveal her body which “has changed”

The holidays have begun for Amélie Neten! The former emblematic reality TV candidate flew to Egypt where she is enjoying a stay of idleness. The famous Belgian gave her news on Tuesday May 31 by sharing pictures of her in an idyllic place, namely a beach where the sea is transparent and simply makes you want to take a dip. But, it is Amélie Neten who is especially highlighted in the images. And for good reason, she appears in a two-piece swimsuit. In legend, the mother of Hugo (10 years old) confides to having nevertheless long “prohibited“to appear like this on social networks.

Indeed, I had a problem with my body“, she admits. And to explain having suffered the consequences of her pregnancy on her physique: “Yes friends, I’m 36, I’m not the same as I was at 20 ! I’m a mom and my body has changed… We don’t realize it at first, but the more the years pass, the more difficult it is to accept ourselves because our little flaws take over.

But in the end, Amelie Neten has overcome her complexes and rightly so, since she now reveals herself to be quite radiant and freer than ever. “Today, I understood that no one is perfect and that you have to accept yourself as you are! So yes, I took the plunge and decided to post this photo… We are all beautiful and the reality is not perfection! Love you, love us!“, she concluded. In the process, the pretty blonde shared a before/after of her in a bikini in Instagram stories. On the first shot, she is 28 years old and displays a flat stomach and a very generous chest while on the second, at 36, she shows more naturalness. (See our slideshow).

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