“I am haunted”, reacts Minister Isabelle Rome

“Efforts exist regarding the protection of women victims of violence, but we must go even further,” said Sunday on France Bleu Picardie Isabelle Rome, Minister Delegate for Equality between Women and Men.

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“I am haunted by these feminicides”, reacts on Sunday March 5 on France Bleu Picardie the Minister Delegate for Equality between Women and Men, Isabelle Rome. Two women were killed by their ex-spouse on Friday in Amiens (Somme) and Saint-Laurent d’Arce (Gironde). Both had already filed a complaint. “If there has been a malfunction, I think there will be a sanction”says the minister. “It’s a fight that we have to fight with intensity, even if we have been doing it for five years. But it is far from won.”

“We cannot say that we do not protect women in France today”, believes Isabelle Rome, responding to the We All association which has counted 24 feminicides since the beginning of the year and considers that “the victims of violence are still not listened to”. “We will have 11,000 emergency accommodation places at the end of the year, we have 1,000 anti-reconciliation bracelets currently worn, we have 4,000 serious danger telephones… The efforts exist”, she adds.

“We still have to go further. One of the answers lies in these protection tools. For example, we will have to increase the wearing of bracelets.”

Isabelle Rome, Minister Delegate for Equality between Women and Men

at France Bleu Picardie

The Minister Delegate also calls for “collective awareness”. “We are all concerned. When we read the latest report from the High Council for Gender Equality on sexism, we see that nearly a quarter of 25-34 year olds think that to be respected, sometimes you have to be violent with women.” Isabelle Rome believes that there “a lot of work to do in terms of education and awareness”. “To significantly reduce violence against women, we must also act upstream.”

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