“I am devastated and I have so much pain”: Laurence Boccolini in the face of a very trying death

Messages that could help the former presenter of the Weak link to gradually regain morale, she who lived a much more cheerful moment last November 6 since she celebrated the 9th birthday of her daughter Willow, born of her relationship with Mickaël Fakaïlo.

9 years of absolute and infinite love

But there too, always with a certain emotion: “We go hand in hand. The ups, the downs, the difficult times, the immense joys and the little moments of sweetness, between the tears and the raindrops, the little sorrows and the bursts of laughter…9 years of absolute and infinite love. It’s all that matters. May your path be full of beautiful encounters and caring humans. Happy birthday Willow. Mom“, we read on Instagram in the caption of a photo of mother and daughter taking refuge under the duvet, watching television.

As a reminder, Laurence Boccolini very rarely confides in her private life, although she has already spoken about her daughter’s very original choice of first name. “Well already because it’s a name that I really like! It means willow, it’s a tree that I love very much… It’s a magical name”, she said in an interview. Note that she is now divorced from the father of her daughter, known for having finished second runner-up in the Mister France competition in 2003.

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