“I am at home !” Marine Le Pen atomizes Daily: Immediate reaction of interested parties

Marine Le Pen gave a press conference on institutions and democratic life on April 12, 2022, strong on its score in the first round of the presidential elections (23.1%). During her speech, the RN candidate assumed to marginalize the journalists of the TMC show, Dailyaccused of doing “entertainment” and not of “information”. A statement that caused an outcry, unsurprisingly arousing the reaction of the main interested parties the same evening.

I have never heard, I believe, any of your colleagues complain about the way they were treated in this presidential campaign, even if it is sometimes quite difficult given the number“, assured Marine le Pen, visiting Vernon (Eure), when she was asked about the sometimes stormy relationship between her party and the press. She said she did not choose the journalists likely to follow her: “I never did thata.” Relaunched on the ostracism of which the journalists of the TMC talk show would more particularly be victims in the follow-up to her campaign, the presidential candidate affirmed: “There are no journalists at Daily (…) It’s not a news or journalist show. It’s an entertainer, sometimes very funny moreover, it’s an entertainment show.

The same evening in Daily, journalist Julien Bellver returned to this moment: “Marine Le Pen outraged that Macron can choose the media where he speaks. She is a little less so when she chooses the media that follow her. Look, there’s no mic Daily. A classic, we are boycotted from his meetingsas Paul was, blocked at the entrance.” Then, after broadcasting the opinion of the 53-year-old politician on Daily, he slips the entertainment shows she has already participated in as An intimate ambition and Facing Baba. When a journalist asks her if she is the one who decides who is a journalist, she assumes it: “Well yes, I am at home.“The reporter ends the sequence by saying:”Know that it is Marine Le Pen who distributes the press cards.

Moreover, Marine Le Pen refused the name of Anne-Sophie Lapix to animate the debate between two rounds with Emmanuel Macron, a decision which also corresponds to the expectations of the outgoing president, whose relations are complicated with the presenter from 8 p.m. According to The Parisian, after several weeks of preparation, the teams of TF1 and France 2 as well as those of the two candidates should record the two referees of the debate of April 20 next. The host ofElysee 2022 Léa Salamé and the presenter of the TF1 newspaper Gilles Bouleau are announced for this political moment which recalls that of 2017, during which the candidate RN had made a catastrophic performance.

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