“I am a human being”, defends RN Laurent Jacobelli

In Moselle, in mid-October, the RN deputy, Laurent Jacobelli, told his Renaissance counterpart, Belkhir Belhaddad: “Don’t play your scum.” On France Inter on Friday, he explained that “it’s not even recognized as an insult in the dictionary.”


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Laurent Jacobelli, RN deputy, guest of France Inter on December 29, 2023. (RADIOFRANCE)

“I think it was clumsy”. Guest of France Inter, Friday December 29, the National Rally (RN) deputy Laurent Jacobelli returned to the moment when he insulted one of his Renaissance counterparts, Belkhir Belhaddad, in mid-October in Hayange in Moselle. He had called out to him by throwing “don’t act like a scumbag” and asking him “Is Hamas okay?”a few days after the attack on October 7.

Laurent Jacobelli’s mea culpa ends there. Scum, “it’s not even recognized as an insult in the dictionary”, continues the spokesperson for the RN. He points out that he is not the only politician to have treated someone like “scum”. “President Sarkozy had done it long before me”he said. “Have you had enough of this bunch of scum? We’re going to get rid of them.”launched the former president in Argenteuil in October 2005.

For Laurent Jacobelli, it was nothing more than a “cropping”. “If you want me to say that I am a human being, I am”, he justifies himself. He also claims that Belkhir Belhaddad showed himself “odious” that day, on the sidelines of a visit by government spokesperson, Olivier Véran, to this Moselle town managed by the RN.

Since then, the Macronist MP has filed a complaint. “He had to make himself known”, blurts out his RN counterpart. The national management of SOS Racisme and its Moselle branch also filed a complaint. The Thionville public prosecutor’s office has opened a judicial investigation for insulting a person in charge of a public service mission, public insult due to committed or supposed membership of an ethnic group or race and defamation.

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