“I almost died, I was crying”: Coumba (Koh-Lanta), his ass bleeding off! Shocking revelations …

Lack of food, lack of hygiene … Participate in Koh Lanta completely disrupts the organism. Coumba, already seen in the survival game of TF1 in 2005, 2010 and 2012, made his return in the All Stars edition Koh-Lanta, The Legend in 2021. In French Polynesia, Claude’s sidekick, finalist but not winner (the votes were invalidated), suffered from hunger but also from small intestinal problems … so much so that she thought she was dying ! During a live on Instagram Sunday, December 19, 2021, she recounts this mishap.

I almost died. I was constipated for two days and I almost died. You had to see me, I was behind a tree, it looked like I was giving birth“Coumba says to the many Internet users who follow this video live. Off, when the cameras were not running, the adventurer made the decision to consult the medical team … and she regretted it!”I made the mistake of going to the doctor because I had diarrhea and he gave me a pill. The next day, I went behind a tree for 30 minutes, an hour … I was on all fours pushing, I was crying, I was sweating“, she remembers. And to continue:”I was so constipated it tore me behind I had blood it was horrible. The next day, I didn’t want to go. Christelle was constipated at the same time as me and I told her that I would not be able to push anymore.

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