“I admit, I was unpleasant”: Laurent Ruquier, annoyed by a man, explains and apologizes!

When you are known, it is almost inevitable that you will be in constant demand. Laurent Ruquier, who was to see the musical The producers by Alexis Michalik, would have liked to spend a quiet moment but one of the spectators – in this case, co-producer – rather wanted to chat with him …

In the November 29 broadcast of Big heads from RTL, Laurent Ruquier was talking to his columnist Sébastien Thoen who was a little angry. The latter explained that he had participated in a recording of Children of TV, another program hosted by the band leader, and that he had warned everyone around him but that he was wrong about the broadcast date. The opportunity for Laurent Ruquier to bounce back with another anecdote … “Last Friday I made three recordings of Children of TV in one afternoon (…) Me, afterwards, I’m a little exhausted, the week has just ended, and I have to go see, for fun and for the Saturday evening show [On est en direct sur France 2, NDLR] the very good musical The producers at the Paris theater, at 8 p.m. sharp “, he first contextualized.

And Laurent Ruquier to then explain to have come face to face with a man who has never let go. “So moto-taxi, the mess, hardly if I have time to put on some shells and there I find myself in the theater. And there’s one of the producers, obviously there are a lot of them, who says to me, ‘Sit here, I’m going to sit next to you.’ I say to myself ‘Oh damn …’ And there I sit, and I did my Thoen, I admit I was rude .. And I still want to apologize, to be forgiven by him“, he added. Laurent Ruquier admitted that that evening he was”tiredness“and that he had”do not want to talk“but just see the show.”To the 3rd question, I can’t take it anymore, and there I was unpleasant, I said: ‘Listen sir, I didn’t come to do an interview, I’m waiting for one thing to be for the show to start“, he added.

Despite this not very bad little mishap, Laurent Ruquier has “adored“the show and prompted listeners to go and applaud The producers.

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