“I accept it, these are facts,” asserts Julien Odoul after the distribution of his leaflet presenting false measures attributed to the New Popular Front

The RN spokesperson was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo” on Wednesday. He also answered questions from listeners and viewers.


Reading time: 2 min

Julien Odoul, Wednesday June 26, 2024. (FRANCEINFO / RADIO FRANCE)

I accept it, these are facts“, said this Wednesday on franceinfo the National Rally deputy Julien Odoul, candidate for his re-election in the 3rd constituency of Yonne, while in a leaflet, he lists proposals that he attributes to the New Popular Front (NFP) but which does not reflect the true program of the left coalition.

In this campaign leaflet, Julien Odoul presents five measures theoretically proposed by the left alliance ranging from “disarmament of the police“, THE “support for Islamists” up to the “closure of CNews and censorship of all journalists who are not left-wing“, passing through the “extortion of your savings to finance immigration“.”This is not false informationdefended the Icaunais MP. This is information which is true, verified and which corresponds either to proposals from the far-left coalition New Popular Front, or to declarations and intentions and behaviors of members of the New Popular Front.” he continued.

Regarding the case of CNews, which the left intends to close according to the leaflet, Julien Odoul stressed that “the members of the New Popular Front wanted Arcom not to renew the authorization for the channel to broadcast“.”When you have an environmentalist MP who launched a petition, when you have a good number of rebellious MPs who, as part of a commission of inquiry, wanted to ban CNews and C8, I rightly consider that this is part of their orientation policy“, supported the outgoing MP.In the event that these people were in charge, they would be likely to censor” the channel of Vincent Bolloré’s group.

However, there is no mention in the program of the New Popular Front of closing the channel, nor of censoring any right-wing journalist. “Vou know, in a program, you have what is announced, and then you have the behavior of everyone, and in particular the line which is imposed by Jean-Luc Mélenchon which today is extremely dangerous“, retorted the MP.

Another point put forward in Julien Odoul’s leaflet: support for squatters and the rape of private property defended by the alliance of left-wing parties. In the NFP program, mention is made of “the repeal of the Kasbarian law which criminalizes tenants and the ban on rental evictions for unpaid debts without a rehousing proposal“. In the eyes of the elected official of Yonne, “squatting would be generalized and legalized“.”It’s a reality“, he added.

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