Hypersensitivity: make it a strength

Long ignored, hypersensitivity is now better identified, thanks in particular to the work of the American Elaine Aron. Hyperemotivity and heightened acuity of the senses characterize hypersensitive or highly sensitive personalities, who are more likely to be subject to an overflow of emotions, to an invasive empathy, to fatigue linked to the excessive stimulation of the senses such as smell, hearing and view.

These characteristics are too often seen as a sign of fragility and weakness. But if hypersensitivity can cause inconvenience, even suffering, it can also represent a real strength.

Geraldine Mayr and the Dr Jimmy Mohamed receive Saverio Tomasella. Psychoanalyst, doctor in psychology, founder of the Observatory of Sensitivity, he has published several books on hypersensitivity, including the latest: Open letter to sensitive souls who want to remain so, published by Larousse. He talks to us more specifically about emotional hypersensitivity and suggests to us ways to turn this character trait into an asset in our relationship to others and to the world.

Medical news and questions from listeners

Hello Doctor speaks today about link between smoking and diabetes and of the new anti-Covid-19 vaccination campaign which will start on October 3, 2022.

Dr. Jimmy Mohamed responds to Paul, from Sarthe, who wonders if, following a punch received on the nose, it is necessary to do an X-ray. Does the nose break easily? He also answers Saïd, from Marne, who would like to know how to quickly recover your voice in case of laryngitis.

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