Hydro-Québec will pay more for wind power

The eight wind projects selected by Hydro-Québec following its latest call for tenders will provide it with electricity at an average cost of 7.8 cents, a price which does not include transport and distribution costs.

Hydro-Québec had received 16 proposals totaling 3,034 megawatts. The state-owned company chose eight, for a total of 1,550 megawatts. The projects selected are mostly located in southern Quebec. Both Boralex offers were accepted by Hydro-Québec. Innergex and Kruger Énergie also have two each. Invernergy has one and Pattern Renewable Holdings Canada 2 ULC has one too.

Energy deliveries are expected between 1er December 2027 and 1er December 2029.

The price obtained by Hydro-Québec following this call for tenders is significantly higher than that of previous calls for tenders, which was around 6 cents per kilowatt hour. The cost of capital has increased and construction costs are rising, with the result that new supplies from Hydro-Québec cost more. The Crown corporation estimates its new supplies will cost an average of 11 cents per kilowatt hour.

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