“Hybrid”, Joe Rocca | The duty

MC Joe Rocca was the second member of the Dead Obies to venture solo, just a few months after Yes McCan, who left the group shortly after. It was December 2017; almost seven years later, the rapper with the nasal voice resurfaces with a new musical identity inscribed, he presents, in the title, Hybrid“a duality […] the rapper who becomes a singer is the adolescent who becomes an adult, it is the lover who also wants to be the lover.” Rocca the rapper, however, remains more convincing than the singer: the album begins with the solid 21 gramsa rapped summary of the last years away from the stage, returns to pure rhymes on Who else And 4AMand at the very end on Told Ya, accompanied by old friends Dead Obies. The majority of this album, nicely arranged and produced by Félix Petit (FELP), flirts with pop and R&B, but remains on the surface romantic feelings that he expresses best on the hit summer Focus and on 4 truthsa delightful collaboration with the young soul-pop duo Rau_Ze.

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Joe Rocca, Bonsound

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