Hurricane Beryl | Possible compensation for inconvenienced Quebec travelers

Quebec travelers whose vacations were disrupted by the passage of the hurricane Beryl could be reimbursed or compensated, the Office of Consumer Protection (OPC) said in a press release on Friday.

Tourists who have done business with a travel agency holding a permit issued by the OPC are in fact likely to benefit from a reimbursement issued by the Compensation Fund for Customers of Travel Agents (FICAV).

If they suffer losses, have not received tourist services or have to face unforeseen expenses due to exceptional weather conditions, such as the passage of a hurricane, the expenses incurred can be reimbursed upon presentation of invoices and supporting documents.


The Hurricane Beryl caused several damages in Mexico.

The OPC invites affected travellers to contact it for more information on a possible claim. It specifies that the FICAV does not cover the losses of customers who can be compensated otherwise, for example if they had travel insurance.

Travelers who paid for their stay using a credit card are also advised to contact their card company to check if they have insurance protection.

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