hunters no longer want to be the only ones to pay boar damage

It growls in the middle of the hunt on regulation of wild boar damage. Very recently, hunters have learned that they will have to continue to pay compensation for damage to big game (wild boar, deer, deer) paid to farmers by hunting federations.

They have seized the Constitutional Council to stop paying the damage alone, they were not heard. But hunters want to continue to make their voices heard on this subject.

A bill of more than 2 million euros to be paid in the Haut-Rhin

This recent decision was denounced in particular by the federation of hunters of Haut-Rhin. Despite the decline in their numbers, wild boars continue to cause serious damage to crops. The bill is very heavy: 2 million 200,000 euros, because the price of wheat has increased and added to the bill.

Gilles Kaszuck, the president of the Haut-Rhin hunters’ federation fears that this skyrocketing price of damage will discourage hunters:“The average hunter who has a hunting territory that costs him 10,000 euros each year, if he has to pay an additional 30,000 euros in November, he will give up. It’s unbearable, it’s soon the death of Alsatian hunting,” explains the hunter.

Gilles Kaszuck hopes that farmers and communities will also put their hands in their pockets to pay this increasingly heavy bill and increasingly unbearable for hunters. He also wants to put everyone around the table in the coming weeks to discuss it.

source site-38