Hunter Biden and Joe Biden’s bad streak

After years of rumors and investigations, we learned that son Biden will plead guilty to two federal misdemeanor charges and that an agreement has been reached on the illegal acquisition of a weapon.

Two-speed justice

If we limit ourselves to the sole examination of the facts, the son Biden will inherit a sentence that will avoid him prison. On the question of taxes, we were even tougher with him than what is generally applied as a procedure.

Hunter Biden has repaid the amounts owed, which usually closes a file. That’s exactly what happened for former Donald Trump adviser Roger Stone.

Of course, we will hasten in one camp as in the other to recover the file at the political level, but when we study the precedents and we know that the investigation was led by a prosecutor appointed by Donald Trump, it is difficult to cry conspiracy.

I am happy that we are sanctioning the Biden son, but I note that we no longer seem to be investigating any other files concerning him. For the moment, nothing that could link his father to illegal dealings.

Hunter Biden has indeed taken advantage of the notoriety of his father, but I remind you that in the American political system, it is not illegal. The children of Trump, Mitch McConnell or Bill Clinton acted in the same way. It doesn’t seem moral or ethical to me, but the rules of the game allow it.

In terms of two-tier justice and ethics, consider also the cases of two Supreme Court justices who accepted gifts and trips from wealthy Republicans.

After Clarence Thomas, it’s Samuel Alito’s turn to take part in a luxurious salmon fishing trip in Alaska. All paid for by a Republican billionaire.

Joe Biden is struggling

Regardless of whether we consider his son got what he deserved or not, Joe Biden will have to drag this case like a ball and chain until the 2024 election.

Nothing to help him when he is at 32% in the polls and he does not even manage to take advantage of a good economy and a slowdown in inflation. Worse still, it seems impossible for him not to put his foot in his mouth.

At the start of the week, his secretary of state managed to relaunch discussions with China, an improvement noted by Xi Xinping himself.

Yesterday Joe Biden ridiculed him during a fundraising operation, calling him a dictator. Within minutes, Anthony Blinken’s valiant efforts were up in smoke.

I said recently that Biden could not be content to be the solution of the lesser evil against Trump, that he would have to convince his fellow citizens. Rather, it seems to confirm what I have believed for a long time: he should bow out at the end of his term.

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