hunt them or protect them, what to do with the foxes?


Article written by

C. Verove, M. Anglade, V. Castel – France 2

France Televisions

Foxes are increasingly present in urban areas in France. Hunters fear their proliferation, while several hens have already been killed by the animal.

A red-haired figure, with a furtive look, but with a rather fearful character. Usually, foxes live hidden in the forest, but for some time now some have been spotted in French towns. In Saint-Maur-des-Fossés (Val de Marne), Alexandra Fuchs saw one in his garden. Since then, she protects her hens more. “We only let them go under close surveillance”, she confides. The fox has set up its burrow in the garden of its neighbor.

Near Chantilly (Oise), the birds of the Potager des Princes, a zoological park, are the prey of a fox. About forty hens died, including collector animals. The damage observed in the Oise does not justify the regulatory decree which authorized the slaughter of foxes. He was recently suspended by the administrative court. As far as hunters are concerned, there is concern that the animal will proliferate. For their part, residents film the foxes’ routes to then protect them by creating a direct passage for them in the right place.

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