hundreds of refugees have already been welcomed in France



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While millions of Ukrainians are fleeing the war, France has already taken in nearly 7,500 people, according to the Interior Ministry.

Andrew is 7 years old. He is in CE1 and begins his second day of school, away from home. If he does not speak French yet, he can count on his comrade Dina, originally from Chechnya. “I help him with homework, and do everything when he doesn’t understand“, she explains.”The goal is to get them back to a child’s life.“, says Marie Grimaldi, director of the Ronchèse primary school.

Find a school setting

Denys is also preparing to find a school framework, after fifteen days of exile. “It was like an earthquake, we really thought of a bombardment“, recalls the young high school student. “These people, who are refugees, must not be left to do nothing. There must be groups, people who can surround them“, estimates Damien Petit, director of the private high school Bourg-Chevreau de Segré. In total, more than 7,500 refugees from Ukraine have already reached France. An offer that will have to be “widely“expanded, according to Gérald Darmanin, the Minister of the Interior.

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