hundreds of projectiles, 4 gendarmes and 24 demonstrators injured

The demonstration of support for Yvan Colonna brought together 4 200 people according to the prefecture and 15 000 people according to the organizers.

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Four mobile gendarmes were injured and hospitalized following “several hundred shots of projectiles” launched against the police deployed during the demonstration in support of Yvan Colonna in Corte, Sunday March 6, indicates the Prefecture of Haute-Corse, in a press release. The vital prognosis of the four wounded gendarmes is not engaged.

The demonstration in support of Yvan Colonna, injured by a fellow prisoner in his prison in Arles on Wednesday March 2, brought together 4,200 people according to the prefecture and 15,000 people according to the organizers, reports France Bleu Frequenza Mora.

During a first situation update, at 7:06 p.m., the prefecture noted that “for three hours, molotov cocktails, petanque balls, dumbbells, agricultural bombs and many other projectiles” were thrown at the gendarmes. The prefecture notes that “Protesters tried to explode a gas bottle near the gendarmes’ defense system in defiance of their own safety and that of the police”.

“A vehicle was also set on fire by the demonstrators”, announces the prefecture. The gendarmes used tear gas to “keep hostile demonstrators at bay”, says the prefecture. On the demonstrators’ side, the prefecture lists 24 injured with hand and foot injuries.

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