Hundreds of people walk for the development of seniors

(Montreal) Hundreds of people marched in the streets of Montreal on Sunday to celebrate the well-being of seniors. 1er October marks International Day of Older Adults.

“There is often a fairly negative portrait associated with seniors’ realities. My main intention is to show that there are people who are involved and that there are positive actions that are taken every day,” says the founder and general director of Un et un font mille, François Grisé .

As part of National Seniors Day, some 600 people participated in the “LET’S ACT TOGETHER for the well-being of seniors” walk organized by the Un et un font mille team. The start was given at 10:15 a.m. at Jeanne-Mance Park. Participants walked 3 kilometers to La Fontaine Park.

“We wanted to highlight with this march that there are plenty of citizens, associations and organizations who have been committed for a very long time to ensuring that seniors’ realities are gentler and that we give concrete solutions to their needs,” says François Grisé.

Growing old and living together

“The generation of seniors, they are the ones who created the Quebec that we have today and that we love. We need them to continue to make Quebec evolve,” declared the Minister for Health and Minister responsible for Seniors, Sonia Bélanger, who participated in the event.

She took the opportunity to announce that her “Aging and Living Together Strategy 2024-2029” should see the light of day in the coming months. This will be the third government action plan resulting from the Government Policy Aging and Living Together at Home.

“It’s a big strategy that affects all government ministries and my big hope is that each minister has aging priorities as part of their program. I think we will get there,” declared Minister Bélanger at The Press.

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