Government gifts don’t arrive at the Christmas tree in a nicely wrapped cabbage. Sometimes it takes effort to get it. This is the case with the new Canadian Dental Benefit and the unique supplement to the Canada Housing Benefit program adopted Friday in Ottawa.
While Quebec is preparing to pay sums of $ 600 or $ 400 in the bank accounts of almost everyone in the coming days, Ottawa has clarified the operation of its two new measures to “reduce the cost of living” .
From 1er December, parents of eligible children under 12 will be able to log into their file on the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) website to obtain up to $650 for dental care. And it is as of December 12 that applications from eligible low-income tenants for $500 assistance will be accepted.
For those who prefer the telephone (it is not always easy to connect), it will also be possible to call the ARC. But the process will be much longer, it is warned, given the number of questions in the process.
By being registered for direct deposit, the money can be received in just five days, it is promised. By check, it will take between 10 and 15 days.
Let’s take a closer look at how to get your hands on these monies that provide “targeted, fiscally responsible and compassionate support,” according to Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland.

Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland in the Commons on November 16
The Canadian dental benefit is intended for children who do not have access to a private dental insurance plan, and whose net family income is less than $90,000 on the 2021 tax return.
The maximum annual payment per child is: $650 (adjusted net income less than $70,000)
$390 (adjusted net income between $70,000 and $79,999)
$260 (adjusted net income between $80,000 and $89,999)
The money can be obtained even before visiting the dentist, which will certainly help the less fortunate to deal with sometimes very high bills. The name of the dentist and the scheduled date of the appointment will then be requested by Ottawa. In addition, it will be necessary to specify the identity of the parents’ employer so that the government may verify whether it is true that the child is not insured.
In Quebec, some care is already covered for children under 10 years old. But that in no way prevents Quebec parents from benefiting from the federal program, which casts a wider net, both in terms of age and care.
In fact, the sums paid by Ottawa can cover both preventive and repair services. This is not the case in Quebec where cleaning, descaling and the application of fluoride, for example, are not reimbursed by health insurance. The important thing is to keep your invoices in case they are required during an audit. Ottawa may want to know what was actually paid out of pocket.
That said, the Ottawa program is unique in that it is always the maximum amount ($260, $390 or $650) that is paid, regardless of the bill actually paid. This saves the government the heavy task of processing hundreds of thousands of receipts.
The government calculates that 500,000 children are expected to benefit from its Dental Benefit and that the cost of the program will approach one billion dollars ($938 million). A third of Canadians do not have dental insurance.
Dentists will have access to toolkits that they can download online to help their clients understand the program. Parents receiving the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) will also receive information.
We often hear about homeowners suffering from rising interest rates. But the situation is not much better among low-income renters who spend 30% or more of their net income on housing. There is then very little left for other expenses such as groceries or winter clothing, especially in this inflationary period.
Ottawa will pay these people — provided they apply — a one-time tax-free sum of $500.
To be eligible, you must be at least 15 years old on 1er december.
Net household income must not exceed $35,000. For people living alone, the maximum is $20,000. The contact details of the owner must be provided.
Ottawa estimates that this measure will help 1.8 million tenants across the country, including 467,000 in Quebec.
After a financially trying year, it will be Christmas before time for many households in the country.