hundreds of demonstrators gathered in Lille to say “no to racism” before the arrival of Eric Zemmour

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1:39 p.m. : We return to Lille, where supporters of Eric Zemmour are preparing to take over the Grand Palais for the candidate’s meeting (speech at 3 p.m., to be followed here). A procession of anti-fascist militants approached the room, and ran into the police, tweets journalist Clément Lanot.

1:20 p.m. : Anne Hidalgo please withdraw. Give the chance to the left instead of splitting it. Put your ego after the good of the left which needs to change the president.

1:20 p.m. : What a pity for the left that Bernard Cazeneuve is not the candidate! It is to his credit to support a candidate without stature.

1:50 p.m. : Many of you reacted to the announcement of Anne Hidalgo who presented the president of her support committee, former Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve.

12:53 p.m. : Small “multiplex” atmosphere this afternoon. Certainly, we will not hear “Buuuuut in Lille” or “Buuuuut in Reims”, but it is a bit of the atmosphere between the two main far-right candidates.

12:50 p.m. : Socialist candidate Anne Hidalgo presented her support committee this morning, chaired by former Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve.

12:14 p.m. : It’s time to sit down to eat, and in the meetings of the National Rally, we refuse the dictatorship of the vacuum sandwich triangle, tweets the political journalist of France Télévisions Caroline Motte, who follows the meeting of the candidate of the RN in Reims.

12:08 : Valérie Pécresse met this morning for nearly an hour Amine Elbahi, the “whistleblower” of the latest issue of the show “Zone Interdite” in Roubaix, who was then threatened with death with the presenter Ophélie Meunier, reveals the political service of France Télévisions.

11:59 : It’s noon, after unlocking the medals counter, we unlock the points counter on the news.

A first medal for France at the Beijing Winter Games. The mixed biathlon relay won a very nice silver medal in the sprint, behind Norway and ahead of Russia. A breathtaking race to relive here.

Emmanuel Macron will travel to Russia on Monday and to Ukraine on Tuesday. Our reporter Raphaël Godet preceded him and tells us about his stay in Kharkiv, a city located 20 km from the border and where many are ready to take up arms.

Remote duel between Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour for leadership on the far right. The RN candidate will speak at the end of the afternoon in Reims, a few hours after her Reconquest challenger! who will deliver a speech at 3 p.m. in Lille. It will of course be to follow in this live.

The United States crossed the bar of 900,000 deaths from Covid-19 last night, “a new tragic stage” deplored by President Joe Biden.

11:50 a.m. : A journalist on site in the Lille rally quantifies the anti-Zemmour mobilization at 600 people.

11:43 am : And meanwhile, in Lille, Martine Aubry and many left-wing activists take part in a rally against the arrival of Eric Zemmour in the city. Its meeting is scheduled for the beginning of the afternoon.

11:34 am : Eric Zemmour also sees himself dressed for the winter. “Eric Zemmour? It’s black and white TV!” laughs Valérie Pécresse. It develops a new angle of attack. “Mr. Zemmour talks to us about the fight against Islamism. But at the same time, his friend is called Tariq Ramadan. a series of rapes. But it seems, according to Eric Zemmour, that he is the victim of a cabal.”

Report of the very offensive evening of Valérie Pécresse in our article.


11:33 am : Valérie Pécresse pulls out the flamethrower against Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour, who are both holding important meetings today. Here is the portrait that the LR candidate paints of his RN rival, during a public meeting yesterday in Charleville-Mézières. “She bankrupted her party, and now she is about to bankrupt her country. She is proposing retirement at 60, expenses and expenses, not a single saving. would be tempted by a fit of anger, by a fit of despair: do not vote for her, she is not capable of leading France.”

11:17 a.m. : The polls commission, which ensures that the dissemination of opinion polls does not disturb the free determination of the electorate, pinpoints in a note published yesterday the Cluster 17 institute, partner of the magazine Marianne, speaking of“methodological shortcomings”. We tell you more in this article.


11:02 : “A good captain is one who stays on course, with a cool head, even when the sea is not always good.”

Asked on franceinfo about the union of the left, Valérie Rabault believes that she “cannot be decreed with the wave of a magic wand. We are accelerating this dynamic”. She says she hopes that the line displayed by the socialist candidate, lagging behind in the polls, “go all the way.”

09:29 : Warm atmosphere in view in Lille on the sidelines of Eric Zemmour’s meeting, scheduled for 3 p.m. Two hours before, anti-fascist activists in the capital of Flanders call for a big parade to tell the far-right candidate that he is not welcome, reports The voice of the North.

09:00 : Run the coffee, I take care of the point on the 9 o’clock news.

Serious things begin for the French team in Beijing with the first biathlon event, the mixed relay, where the Blues are the favorites. It starts at 10 a.m. and it will be to follow here! In the meantime, don’t hesitate to read our article on the improbable tricolor biathlon saga.

• Remote duel of far-right candidates, with Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour in a meeting this afternoon (one in Lille, the other in Reims) to reshuffle the cards of the race in the second round.

Emmanuel Macron will travel to Russia on Monday and to Ukraine on Tuesday. Our reporter Raphaël Godet preceded him and tells us about his stay in Kharkiv, a city located 20 km from the border and where many are ready to take up arms.

• Since Thursday, pharmacists can give you certain single antibiotics. On paper, it seems like common sense when the French throw away 1.5 kg of drugs a year. But on the ground, the professionals deplore “a false good idea”.

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