hundred artists, including Juliette Binoche and Jean-Pierre Darroussin, call to vote in the Popular Primary

“The competition which is announced between the candidates and the candidates of the left and ecology is not with the height of the stakes of the next presidential election”, they estimate in a forum with “Inrocks”.

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“In April, it will be too late”. One hundred personalities from the world of culture call on left-wing parties to join the Popular Primary, a citizens’ initiative that pleads for a common left-wing presidential candidacy, in a column published in the magazine les Inrocks Thursday January 20.

“The competition that is looming between the candidates and the candidates of the left and ecology is not up to the challenges of the next presidential election. (…) To lose five more years would be insane”write these personalities, including the actresses Anna Mouglalis and Juliette Binoche, the director of the National Theater of Strasbourg, Stanislas Nordey, or the actors Jean-Pierre Darroussin and Charles Berling,

Three months before the first round of the presidential election, they call on the seven candidates from the left to submit to the vote of the Popular Primary, “best possible way to win what we have in common, the fight against climate change and inequality”.

The organizers of this initiative claimed Wednesday 311,000 registered for this vote of “investiture”, scheduled for January 27 to 30 and which must decide between seven pre-selected personalities. But Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Yannick Jadot and Anne Hidalgo refused to participate, and find themselves registered in the ballot despite themselves.

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