Even twenty years after the end of the Star Academy, there are wounds that remain present. While they were inseparable and came face to face in the finale, Mario Barravecchia and Jenifer ended their friendship after the show. However, he has not lost hope of reconnecting with her thanks to the show celebrating the anniversary of tele-hook.
“With Jenifer, we lived very strong moments. She was like my little sister. It’s a pity to no longer have a link but She will always be a part of my life” confided Mario Barravecchia with nostalgia, evoking Jennifer in the columns of TeleStar.
Again questioned about him, Mario Barravecchia explained the end of their friendship and on the lack felt towards her. “I would very much like to see Jenifer again, I made a few calls to her recently because she was my little sister… and We haven’t had contact for about ten years.” he confided in The luxury moment.
Jordan De Luxe picked up on that remark and then asked: “I’m sorry, Mario, but you say ‘we all make mistakes’, there’s something I don’t understand, I feel like there’s something we don’t know…”. To which, Mario Barravecchia responded by saying: “Mistakes in behavior… when you’re asked the same questions for years, you can answer awkwardly, I certainly did, it may have hurt him. And vice versa. It’s like this famous question from Ferrari at the time which was asked all the time and one day I told the journalists to stop bothering me with this stupid question and to go and ask him the question directly and I know that it does not didn’t rain”.
Indeed, Jenifer had promised a Ferrari to Mario Barravecchia in the event of victory. Something she never did. Obviously, this story is still up to date. This Friday, June 10, 2022, the former finalist of the star Academy made a reference to all this in his Instagram story under a photo of a magnificent red racing car. “That’s it, #jenifer finally delivered my #Ferrari” he wrote in the caption.
Jean-Pascal Lacoste got involved by sharing the story with the following comment: “In addition she was gouffrée, it’s a Lambo you win at the change my Mario“. Not sure that Jenifer likes it…
See also: Jenifer snubs Mario..