humiliated by a doctor, Barbara Pravi makes sad confidences!

In 2021, Barbara Pravi proudly represented France in the Eurovision Song Contest. With her title “Voilà”, the pretty brunette conquered the crowds internationally. In addition to her talent, the artist also stood out for her feminist commitments. With her speeches, the main interested party hopes to lift taboos. Especially on violence against women. Having been the victim of domestic violence as a teenager, the artist opened up about her experience for “Konbini” last April.

It was during a party that everything changed. “I was 17, it was my first love story”, said Barbara Pravi. Being jealous and possessive, her ex-boyfriend lashed out at her for having fun with another boy: “We got to his place, and he started insulting me for dancing with that guy.” One thing leading to another, the tone rose between the lovebirds before the young man slipped…

“I was going to leave, when he put me on the ground, he got on top of me, and he started hitting me”, remembered the singer. “There are people who have seen us.” Because of her influence, the young woman even felt guilty: “I remember thinking I was shit, wondering what I had done to get him through this […]. I wanted to be forgiven. I came back the next day with yellow tulips, I was sure that was love.”

see also:

“I had abortions several times…”

A sad episode that the star mentioned again in the “Rewind” podcast of “France Télévisions”. But Barbara Pravi also bounced back on other subjects: she spoke of her family, her origins, her sometimes chaotic schooling, but also a terrible event that she will never forget. “I got pregnant while taking the pill,” revealed the latter. “I had abortions several times, I was diagnosed too “fertile” […]. What was very hard is that it happened several times […] I was still protecting myself […]”.

A situation that would have distraught some health professionals. “Every time I went to see the doctors, they said it was my fault. […]”, lamented Barbara Pravi. “The second time I remember very well, it was in a hospital and it was a man, the doctor refused to give me the pill. And he basically told me ‘I don’t abort little whores like YOU'”. In shock, the interpreter of “Not grow up” then called his dad who confronted the practitioner.

“He came to save me”, added Barbara Pravi. “We kicked down the door of this doctor who was in consultation. And I remember taking his computer and throwing him on the floor! With my father behind who was with me, it was completely crazy He was screaming […]. I had a big moment of love with my father at that time.


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