“Humans disgust me”, TayC attacks Dadju and threatens to reveal his “true face”!

It seems that the rag is burning between TayC and Dadju! Between the two young men who both shine in the world of music, a real friendship was born a few years ago. This beautiful friendship has also generated several professional collaborations since we find them together on the titles “Please” And “OK“, they who share the same musical style.

But as the African media noted Mbote, the two celebrities no longer follow each other on Instagram since April 2023. No explanation had been provided until now and no revelation about a possible estrangement had been revealed.

TayC shares a strange message on Instagram
This Wednesday, October 11, 2023, TayC, who had caused controversy because of the madness observed during his numerous concerts, published in a story on Instagram, a rather equivocal message which indeed seems to be talking about his former friend Dadju. “Use the terms ‘Prince’ or Gentleman’ as much as you want to define yourself… But here we know your true face.” he says in a murderous tone. In the following story, the singer of the hit Don’t think about it anymore adds an even more violent sentence and writes: “Humans disgust me”.

According to our exclusive information, TayC speaks well of Dadju in these strange messages published a few hours ago. A source close to the artist confirms to us this Thursday, October 12 that the 27-year-old singer has decided to attack his 32-year-old colleague, Dadju. “Tayc would thus take the defense of one of its collaborators” we learn without having more details on what really happened. However, at the speed at which “dramas” are made and undone on social networks, there is no doubt that this affair will find its explanations very soon.

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