humanitarian disaster threatens Rafah


Video length: 2 min

War between Israel and Hamas: humanitarian disaster threatens Rafah

In the Gaza Strip, the humanitarian situation worries international diplomacy. On Thursday, February 15, humanitarian organizations met in Geneva, Switzerland. – (franceinfo)

In the Gaza Strip, the humanitarian situation worries international diplomacy. On Thursday, February 15, humanitarian organizations met in Geneva, Switzerland.

Elderly people looking exhausted and children being tended to on the floor. Designed to accommodate 65 patients, a hospital in Rafah, in the Gaza Strip, is currently receiving 300. Overwhelmed and insufficiently supplied with medicines, the health situation is deteriorating day by day in the establishment. “The population of Rafah has increased fivefold. The city now has 1.5 million inhabitants. Therefore, it is a martyr hospital that cannot treat so many people, mainly due to the lack of medical aid “, underlines a resident.

More than 28,000 dead in Gaza

Visiting the hospital on Wednesday, February 14, representatives of the World Health Organization (WHO) saw only one outcome: a cessation of military operations in the Palestinian enclave. “This degradation of the health system is truly striking, the only way forward is peace, the only way forward is a ceasefire”, underlines a specialist on site. According to a latest report from Hamas, the war has left more than 28,000 dead.

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