humanitarian aid still blocked at the entrance to the Gaza Strip


Video duration:
1 minute


Many humanitarian trucks are installed at the entrance to the Gaza Strip, waiting to be able to access it on Friday October 20. On site, the situation is urgent, and the population lacks everything, particularly water and medicine.

On satellite images of border crossing from Rafah, in the Gaza Strip, we can see lines of humanitarian trucks waitinge, Friday October 20. On the Palestinian side, workers are still working to restore the road leading to the crossing, damaged by the bombings. To prepare for this arrival, Antonio Guterres, the UN Secretary General, went there to demand a ceasefire and allow aid to arrive safely. “We have so many trucks full of water, fuel and medicine. (…) These trucks are the difference between life and death for so many people“, he said.

A catastrophic situation

The NGOs present on site describe a catastrophic situation. Gazans lack everything: “We are cut off from the world, we have no means of communication“, worries a resident. Humanitarian aid should be able to reach Gaza during the day of Satedi.

source site-29