humanitarian aid authorized in Gaza



Video duration:
1 minute

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – S. Perez, C. Cormery, P. Miette

France Televisions

Israel gave the green light on Wednesday October 18 so that humanitarian aid blocked in Egypt could be delivered to Gaza. American President Joe Biden announced this from Tel Aviv.

Perhaps a glimmer of hope, Wednesday October 18, for hundreds of Palestinians waiting for humanitarian aid in the south of the Gaza Strip. For ten days, men, women and children have been gathering at the Rafah border post (Egypt). This single passage for convoys remains blocked, due to lack of an agreement between Israelis and Egyptians. Visiting Tel Aviv, President Biden announced that he had obtained an agreement from the Israeli Prime Minister to resolve the situation.

Civilians still trapped in Gaza

“Gaza residents need food, water, medicine,” did he declare. According to the American president, the trucks blocked in large numbers at the border could finally deliver their hundreds of tons of supplies as soon as possible. The modalities must be discussed with Egypt. However, there is still no question of letting the trapped inhabitants of Gaza out. The plight of Palestinian civilians was one of the key points of President Biden’s visit to Israel.

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