humanitarian aid authorized in Gaza



Video duration:
1 minute

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – N.Chateauneuf

France Televisions

The first humanitarian trucks sent to Gaza are expected to arrive from Egypt on Friday October 20. Journalist Nicolas Chateauneuf explains how the operation took place.

Israel has unleashed a deluge of fire on the Gaza Strip and sealed off the enclave, but is preparing to let humanitarian aid in through Egypt, at the Rafah border crossing. “There are at least 80 trucks waiting on the Egyptian side“, explains Nicolas Chateauneuf, on the set of 20 Heures, Thursday October 19. “The deal with Egypt involves 20 of these trucks that would be allowed to deliver food, water or medicine to the hundreds of thousands of refugees in the Khan Younes camp“, he explains.

Aid still insufficient

Located in the south of the Gaza Strip, it welcomes Gazans who fled the bombings in the north. With the blockade imposed, the only crossing point is at the Egyptian border and is closed. The first passages should take place from Friday October 20. According to the UN, aid is insufficient. “It would take a hundred trucks per day to avoid a humanitarian catastrophe“, concludes Nicolas Chateauneuf.

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