humanitarian aid airdrops criticized


Video length: 2 min

Gaza: airdrops of humanitarian aid criticized

While the United States claims to have airdropped thousands of meals in northern Gaza on Tuesday March 5, this type of humanitarian aid is strongly criticized by certain associations, who question its effectiveness.

The Palestinian population is facing a serious humanitarian crisis after several months of war. In the skies over Gaza, American cargo planes distribute food. Many food drops are done by air. However, these aerial supplies are contested by certain humanitarian organizations, who question their effectiveness. Airdrops are more expensive than ground-delivered aid due to aircraft, fuel and personnel costs.

The crisis is getting worse

And these drops have other disadvantages, including the risk of injuring an individual. But as the crisis deepens and famine spreads, others argue that food must be delivered by any means necessary. Faced with the desperate situation, military planes from many countries have already parachuted pallets of humanitarian aid.

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