human-to-human transmission ‘can be stopped in non-endemic countries’, says WHO

Monkeypox has made a sudden appearance in recent weeks in countries where it is normally very rare: Europe and North America.

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“It’s a situation that can be controlled.” The transmission of monkeypox, a less dangerous cousin of smallpox eradicated forty years ago, “can be stopped in non-endemic countries”said Monday, May 23 the World Health Organization (WHO).

>> Monkey pox: we explain why vaccination is not the most obvious solution to this disease

“We are in a situation where we can use public health tools of early identification coupled with the isolation of cases”, underlined Maria Van Kerkhove, in charge of the fight against Covid-19 at the WHO but also of emerging diseases and zoonoses. Monkeypox has made a sudden appearance in recent weeks in areas where it is normally very rare: Europe and North America. According to the WHO official, there are currently “less than 200 confirmed and suspected cases” in these areas. No serious cases have been identified.

Andy Seale, strategy adviser for WHO’s global programs on HIV, hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections, stressed that while this virus can be caught during sexual activity, it is not a disease. sexually transmitted.

“Although we are seeing cases among men who have sex with men, it is not a gay disease, as some people on social media have tried to label it.”

Andy Seale, WHO expert

A big global meeting with all experts from many branches is to be held next week to discuss this epidemic.

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