Human Rights Watch accuses Russian paramilitaries of killing and torturing civilians

The NGO claims to have “convincing evidence” that Russian mercenaries have killed and tortured civilians since 2019.

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Arbitrary detentions, torture, extra-judicial executions… The Russian paramilitary organizations which support the power in the Central African Republic have committed “serious abuse” on civilians, including murder and torture, “with impunity” since 2019, according to a report by the organization Human Rights Watch (in English) posted Tuesday, May 3.

The NGO claims to hold “convincing evidence” that “Russian speaking men” have “beaten” then “beaten down” twelve men “unarmed” arrested at a roadblock in July 2021. The report also mentions arbitrary detentions and executions on “men arrested randomly in the street”in June of the same year.

The UN and many Western countries denounce the presence of mercenaries from the Russian Wagner group in the country, plunged into civil war since 2013. Hundreds of Russian paramilitaries have supported the Central African regime since 2018, and hundreds more have been sent as reinforcements at the end of 2020 at the request of President Faustin-Archange Touadéra, to repel a rebel offensive which threatened Bangui. But their missions remain opaque, and they have already been accused of having massacred more than 200 civilians in recent months.

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