Human Rights Commission | Commons adopt motion to denounce remarks about Christmas

The day after the adoption of a motion to defend Christmas by the National Assembly, the House of Commons is following Quebec’s lead by adopting a similar motion.

The motion, tabled by the Bloc Québécois, was unanimously adopted by elected members of Parliament on Thursday.

In a press release, the Bloc explains that the purpose of the motion is to recall the importance of the traditional Christmas celebration for Quebecers, and to condemn the position of the Canadian Human Rights Commission which judges that Christmas holidays and Easter are “discriminatory” against religious minorities.

The motion states that the House denounces the comments of the Canadian Human Rights Commission according to which “holidays linked to Christianity, including Christmas and Easter”, represent a “clear example” of “systemic religious discrimination”.

In its “Reflection Paper on Religious Intolerance”, the Commission adds that “discrimination against religious minorities in Canada is rooted in the history of colonialism in Canada. This history manifests itself today in systemic religious discrimination. An obvious example is public holidays in Canada.

The motion also indicates that the Chamber “denounces any attempt at polarization towards unifying events which have been part of Quebec and Canadian heritage for several generations.” She invites all Canadians to come together this Christmas season.

The parliamentary leader of the Bloc, Alain Therrien, who tabled the motion, said he was delighted that elected officials from all parties agreed to remember that Christmas is not discriminatory. “Everyone agrees on the importance of this traditional celebration which is a unique opportunity for gatherings and reunions for Quebecers of all generations,” he said in a press release.

On Wednesday, the Christmas topic of discrimination snowballed during question period in the House. The leader of the Bloc, Yves-François Blanchet, said that according to the Canadian Human Rights Commission, “the simple celebration of Christmas, the tree, the family, the music, the gifts” was “systemic racism”. He asked Prime Minister Justin Trudeau if he thought Christmas was racist.

Mr. Trudeau responded: “Obviously, Christmas is not racist.” He added that Canada is a country that celebrates personal beliefs and shares the different celebrations of our neighbors and that this makes Canada a rich and diverse country.

Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre added to the Christmas theme by criticizing Mr. Trudeau and his carbon tax. “Will he stop preying on Canadians so they can enjoy nice presents and maybe even a turkey and a hot meal for Christmas this year? “.

Mr. Trudeau’s responses to the Conservative leader were also in defense of Christmas, affirming in particular that the climate skepticism of the Conservative Party compromises future white Christmases.

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