Huguette Bello’s candidacy was “credible”, believes Marine Tondelier, who regrets the intransigence of the PS

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“We are looking for a Prime Minister, and if every time a name comes out (…) everyone takes out their revolvers on social networks, then we are all damaged”regrets Marine Tondelier, Sunday July 14 on France Inter. Pointing out in particular the attitude of the Socialist Party after the proposal of the communists to appoint Huguette Bello to Matignon, the head of the Ecologists says she has “considered” his candidacy “with great interest”. “It is a candidacy that is credible” And “solid”she continued. “We couldn’t commit to a 10-minute phone call”she added, suggesting to Huguette Bello to receive her for longer at a later time.

Huguette Bello declines the offer to become Prime Minister on behalf of the NFP. Earlier on Sunday, the president of the La Réunion region said: “take note” that his candidacy “is not the subject of a consensus between all the components of the New Popular Front, and in particular that it is not supported by the Socialist Party”The PS rejected the name of Huguette Bello on Saturday, proposed by the communists and validated by Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

Fabien Roussel calls for a meeting with left-wing forces to “guarantee the unity of the New Popular Front”. Fabien Roussel requested a meeting with the party leaders of the New Popular Front on Sunday, July 14. “as quickly as possible” For “to get out of the current deadlock situation”. Communist Party leader calls on left-wing forces to “guarantee unity” of the NFP, after Huguette Bello’s decision to “decline the offer” to become Prime Minister in the name of the union of the left, due to the lack of agreement within the coalition. For his part, ““The coordination of La France insoumise is summoned” Sunday at 12 noon “to analyze the significance of the constant blockages of the Socialist Party against any candidacy other than that of its first secretary, Olivier Faure”wrote Manuel Bompard on X on Saturday.

François Bayrou believes that “it is up to the president to choose the government“. “Instead of going through party agreements, a team of personalities will have to come together”assured the head of the MoDem in an interview with Sunday Journale, published on Sunday. Asked about his availability to be part of the next government, François Bayrou replied: “Anything I can do to help get out of the ridiculous and distressing impasse we find ourselves in, I will do it.

Boris Vallaud pleads for a PS candidate for the post of Prime Minister. “I thinks that a socialist candidacy is likely to reassure some and bring people together others”said the president of the Socialist Party group in the Assembly, in a column published in The Tribune SundayAsked about his intention to be a candidate for the perch, Boris Vallaud did not rule out aiming for the post of president of the hemicycle, which will be elected on Thursday.

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