Hugo pop! | Water your authenticity well

Capturing all the light, the emission Planting with Marthe pushed ahead of all its Monday night television competitors. In front Survivor and Ssweet salty. Before the final of Chiefs! and that of Traitors. In front of everyone! her host would say with her colorful frankness.

TVA’s new horticultural magazine brought 841,000 curious people to Marthe Laverdière’s greenhouse, packing Sweety salty, seen by 745,000 followers, from the top step of the podium. An astonishing performance for a summer gardening show? Not so much, no.

The popularity of Planting with Marthe relies on the charisma of its presenter, an energetic, laughing and, above all, authentic woman. Marthe Laverdière does not hide under 14 layers of makeup and does not wear designer clothes that would disguise her local personality, I write her without any sarcasm or malice.

Marthe shows herself as she is every day, with her pink cap which transforms into a visor, her brown apron and her gray lulus attached in a nonchalant manner.

Quebec television has few stars, like Marthe Laverdière, who appear without artifice, without white (gardening) gloves. His naturalness comes across the screen. Often, Marthe speaks directly to the camera to eliminate the technical barrier that separates her from the people at home.

I’m not his biggest fan, I admit. Half an hour of this high intensity and its uninterrupted flow of words is already a lot. This is because Marthe Laverdière, like Mariana Mazza, takes up a lot of space, to the detriment of the guests she should highlight. Leading also means listening.

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