Hugo Manos and Laurent Ruquier soon parents? The couple in full reflection!

After many rumors and clues left on social networks, Hugo Manos formalized her relationship with Laurent Ruquier last February on the set of TPMP People. However, it has already been almost five years since the attractive 33-year-old brunette shared his life with the journalist 26 years his senior. At first both very secret about their relationship, Hugo Manos no longer deprives himself of delivering some anecdotes about his daily life with Laurent Ruquier during his TV appearances. In the show At Jordan’sin partnership with Entertainment TVthe sportsman and influencer has precisely addressed a very particular subject: fatherhood.

If he is not completely in agreement with his companion, Hugo Manos explained that it was not impossible that they would start to pamper in the future. “We’ve already talked about it, but I don’t think it’s a visceral wish. Me, that’s something i might consider. I am approaching forty and I tell myself that I could offer great values ​​to a little being. I think I could be a good father and Laurent too“, he believes. The discussion is therefore engaged but, for the moment, nothing is definitively decided. “It is not excluded but it is not a certainty“, he concluded.

In 2015, Laurent Ruquier had a more decided opinion on the question. Indeed, during an interview for the magazine VODthe animator who could well leave We are live at the start of the school year had confided in his non-desire to have a child. “I earn a good living. I eat well, I dress as I want (…) I do not understand this idea of ​​sleeping money. And since I don’t have children… I can understand that some people want to and that’s good. But not me. It’s like marriage…“, he admitted with honesty.

Baby or not, Laurent Ruquier and Hugo Manos are in any case perfectly happy together. The columnist of TPMP People is particularly happy to have a very caring darling. “He gives me little flowers for example, it touches me (…) He lends himself to the game on Tiktok to please me but he is not transcended by the idea. If he doesn’t want to do it, he doesn’t. In the end, there are only 1 or 2 Tiktok with him“.

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