Hugo Clément with Alexandra Rosenfeld: This expression that irritates him about their family

Elected Miss France 2006 then Miss Europe in 2007, Alexandra Rosenfeld had had enough of life in Paris, which she quickly deemed too stressful for her family. “Both me and Alex, we grew up in a small village where I left my house, I met my friends, I went to play football, immediately outside in nature and that, I no longer had in Paris . Of course, Jim’s arrival was a bit of a trigger to bring us back to the way of life that we actually liked and that suited us.“, adds Hugo Clement.

It matched right away

Usually stingy in confidences about their idyll, the lovers also indicated that they fell in love with each other when they met on the France 2 broadcast.She immediately fell madly in love with me“, jokes the 32-year-old journalist, very committed to ecology.

It matched right away“, adds with tenderness the former beauty queen who confides to adore teasing her companion.She, she teases, I am the teased one” says Hugo Clément, “with Alexandra, the expression ‘Who loves well, punishes well’ takes on its full meaning” he reveals with a lot of humor. The couple also revealed their common tattoos to the cameras of TF1: the inscription “indelible love“tattooed on each of their arms as well as a deer and a doe, a romantic metaphor for their couple.

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