Hugo Clément: His flirt plan with Alexandra Rosenfeld ruined by Ava, the daughter of the ex-Miss France

Between Alexandra Rosenfeld and Hugo Clément, the osmosis was quickly evident. Their meeting on the set of Fort Boyard allowed them to find many points in common, among which the fight for the protection of the environment. Only problem: at the time, Alexandra Rosenfeld is in a relationship and Hugo Clément comes out of a complicated relationship. These details will not prevent them from continuing to get to know each other and spending time together to see if a possible journey together is possible.

Alexandra Rosenfeld, 35, and Hugo Clément, 33 on October 7, had to deal with one more difficulty: Ava, daughter of Miss France 2006, born of her marriage to rugby player Sergio Parisse. When the journalist entered the life of his mother in 2018, the young girl was only 8 years old. But she had already understood everything about the little game that was going on between the two future lovers.

In 2020, Alexandra Rosenfeld confided in the beginning of her relationship with Hugo Clément in the podcast Bliss Stories. Ava was obviously in no mood to put her mother and her “friend“Comfortable. At the end of a few holidays spent with Alexandra, Hugo Clément purposely missed his return plane to be invited to the pretty blonde’s house. Mission accomplished: “So I called my mom to let Ava know that a friend was coming over for dinner and sleeping over. But Ava picked up straight.”

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