Hugh Jackman reprises his role as Wolverine

Wolverine is back. The character with the claws of adamantium embodied by Hugh Jackman will be from the next film of Dead Pool.

Posted at 11:30 a.m.

Veronique Larocque

Veronique Larocque
The Press

It was Ryan Reynolds, headliner of the series, who made the announcement on social media. In a rather comical video, the actor wonders how the third installment of Dead Pool. Running out of ideas, he offers Hugh Jackman, who appears behind him, to resume his role as Wolverine. What the latter nonchalantly accepts.

“How can Wolverine be alive after what happened in Logan ? many fans will wonder, says Hugh Jackman in a second video that quickly went viral.

Logan takes place in 2029, it’s something totally separate. Logan died in Logan. We don’t touch that, ”replies Ryan Reynolds.

The plot of Deadpool 3 will it take place before 2029? Can Hugh Jackman’s character rise from the dead? The hypotheses are rife on the web, the two actors having not given more information on this subject.

The output of Deadpool 3 is scheduled for September 6, 2024. This is the 10e film in which Hugh Jackman plays Wolverine.

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