Huge discomfort during the sequence of a comedian, France 2 forced to launch the ad in disaster!

Nothing went as planned… While comedian Alexandra Pizzagalli presented her first column on the “Télématin” set, the young woman quickly found herself frozen in front of the camera… The reason? The new recruit of the show explained that her teleprompter had broken down, and that she could not present her sketch…

A real malaise then settled on the set… And unfortunately, this funny atmosphere did not end when the comedian ended up presenting his column. And for good reason, the latter had chosen to make fun of a more than sensitive subject: the Nice attack that occurred in 2016…

Thus, Alexandra Pizzagalli began by evoking the terrorist Lahouaiej-Bouhlel in a strange way: “Lover of salsa and bodybuilding – forgive me but he looks a lot like my ideal man – it seems that we are on the portrait of a Ricky Martin from the Côte d’Azur, we validate. He was also an extremely violent, sex-obsessed and zoophilic husband. Extremely violent husband… Perhaps she had been looking for him? By missing a cooking or by giving his opinion. Sex obsessed, each his hobbies. After all, there are many who watch Télématin. Zoophile, at the same time in Nice, there are only old women and chihuahuas, we have the right to want to send someone with teeth »she said.

A very black humor which obviously did not appeal on set… The proof, France 2 squarely took the decision to launch the advertisement in the middle of the sketch… A sequence which shocked the viewers: “ Nice, I felt really uncomfortable with the chronicle of @AlexPizzPz. Luckily you stopped him quickly! “, “Who is the hateful girl who makes everyone uncomfortable with her comments on the attacks”, “She is not funny, it is extremely embarrassing”can we read on Twitter… Hopefully the young comedian will catch up with her next column!

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