huge clash between Luc Ferry and Daniel Cohn-Bendit who insult each other live on LCI

Known for his outspokenness and his rants, Daniel Cohn-Bendit is often what is called “the good client” of political debates. But sometimes, the former May 68 activist goes a bit too far. As on the set of TF1 during the European elections in 2019 where the support of Emmanuel Macron had literally unpinned in front of the provocations of Gilbert Collard, then support of Marine Le Pen. “Garbage! Asshole!”, “Dirty traitor! Sold to Macron!“: that evening, the insults had rocketed under the eyes of a dumbfounded Rachida Dati and yet seasoned in sometimes vehement political contests.

Sunday May 22, 2022, Daniel Cohn-Bendit was again at the heart of a huge clash, this time with Luc Ferry, former Minister of National Education for Jacques Chirac. In question ? The appointment of Pap Ndiaye to the same position held by the philosopher in the mid-2000s. Directing the museum of immigration in Paris, the latter has been under the fire of numerous criticisms since the announcement of his arrival rue de Grenelle, in particular from several personalities from the right and the far right.

And quickly, between these two, the debate took a turn made of rather violent disagreements. “There is in French society, and in French institutions, racism, anti-Semitism…“, Daniel Cohn-Bendit began to explain, then interrupted by his interlocutor: “In French institutions? Which ones? Tell me which ones?“, he launched to him. “For example, there is racism in the police…“, replies the former MEP.

There are racist people, there is no racism in the police“, then laments the former minister of Jean-Pierre Raffarin. “Let me finish now I’m sick of it!”chants his opponent. “But you’re only talking bullshit, it’s unbearable!”, laments Luc Ferry. “Even if I say bullshit, I have the right to speak!Shut up !“, balances Daniel Cohn-Bendit taken up by a: “Yours poor moron!“.


See also: Clash between Gilbert Collard and Cyril Hanouna in “TPMP”

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