Huge blunder by rapper Naps live on the set of “Star Ac”: Nikos reframes it!

Among the artists invited for this second bonus of the star Academy, appeared Naps, Saturday, October 22. The rapper performed one of his hits The Kiffance with two students, Cenzo and Tiana.

A performance with a lot of energy that warmed the audience. At the end of this performance, Nabil Arlabelek of his real name called on viewers to vote for the two candidates. A great initiative from the Marseillais except that neither of them is on the bench of nominees. Nikos Aliagas intervened to inform him of his mistake. Wanting to catch up, the interpreter of Sensas, best life and Let’s go said : “I wish them to win…well no both can’t win but at least one of the two”. A sequence that certainly amused the 3.70 million viewers present in front of the show as well as Internet users.

At the end of this evening, the public decided to save Julien. The students had the heavy task of deciding between the last two nominees. After a perfect tie, it was the draft of the evening who had to decide. Finally, it is Ahcène who was chosen at the expense of Amisse!

The fault that kills!

On the bus to return to the castle, Julien was questioned by Karima Charni about this evening during which he could have left the adventure. “You were still saved by the public, do you have a message for the people who voted for you tonight?”she asked him. “Thank you already, thank you very much. It’s an honor”he said before adding: “I’m delighted to have been able to conquer the public, really. It’s too good. It’s huge”. A mistake in French that ignited social networks, triggering many mockeries…

See also: Excluded Public: Anisha (Star Academy): her very special story with a teacher revealed!

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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