Huge blunder by Michael Goldman, the production rectifies the situation at the last minute!

The final of the “Star Academy” is fast approaching on TF1. This Saturday, November 19, 2022, the names of the four finalists have finally been revealed. Léa, Enola, Anisha and Louis have the chance to still be part of the adventure. To congratulate them, Michael Goldman also wanted to announce great news to them. The candidates had the opportunity to write a single each with celebrities. Vitaa composed a song for Léa. For his part, Slimane helped Louis. As for Anisha, the young woman was helped by Camélia Jordan. And finally, Hoshi was in pairs with Enola.

An error on the part of Michael Goldman

But if they should have the opportunity to record their piece, only one of them will be able to interpret it on the evening of the final. According to the latest information given by the director of Star Academy this Sunday, November 20 on MYTF1 MAX during the live, the student who will have passed the evaluation should have this privilege. An error on the part of the son of Jean-Jacques Goldman according to the production of the tele-hook.

This Monday, November 21, the channel was forced to rectify Michael Goldman’s blunder by scrolling a banner at the bottom of the screen to specify that the one who will be able to sing his song during the final would be none other than the big winner of the season. A news that did not fail to react to Internet users. “So what are the evaluations for? », « What are the evals for then? Apart from adding stress and work to them”, “So there is nothing to gain on these evaluations… It makes no sense”, “So the best evaluation wins what? “, “It’s a joke”, could we read in the comments of a post posted by the Twitter account @staracreact. It remains to be seen who will be the winner of this edition!


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