Hubert Germain: France pays tribute to a monument in its history


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France paid a final tribute to the companion of the Liberation, Hubert Germain, who died on October 12, during the 103rd anniversary of the armistice, on November 11.

On October 12, Hubert Germain, the last companion of the Liberation, died. On this day of commemoration, France paid a last tribute to the Resistance, one of the first to have joined the movement of General de Gaulle. A ceremony placed under the sign of emotion which ended with the burial of Hubert Germain at Mont Valérien.

Hubert Germain, the last companion of the liberation, was for many a symbol of free and resistant France. On the Fields-Elysees, a small crowd came to watch this moment of history. A ceremony that had been entirely imagined by Hubert Germain himself before his death. The tears of the President of the Republic say a lot about the importance and the immense mark left by this pillar of French history, which now rests on Mont Valérien.

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