HPI – Audrey Fleurot is already announcing a season 3: “But I’m afraid of…”

Morgane Alvaro is back this evening on TF1, ready to resume service in HPI after a successful first season. Endowed with an incredible memory, an unfailing glibness and a madness that bothers some, this mother with high intellectual potential knows how to solve all mysteries. An asset for the police who really need his services. Audrey Fleurot was given this color role.

Invited to Franceinfo this Thursday, May 12 for the launch of season 2 of HPI, the 44-year-old actress announced great news. The series will have a season 3! A renewal that is not without creating some apprehension in Audrey Fleurot. “HPI takes me a lot of time but it’s important to do other things on the side. That said, Morgane is such a colorful character, who gives me such freedom, that it’s not easy to find such exciting projects.she told Franceinfo. I don’t want to let it go yet, so there will be a season 3, but I’m afraid of doing the season too much. I want to embody it as long as we manage to raise the sliders each time and as long as I have fun.”

The pressure of season 2 after the success of the first

After the dazzling success of the first season of HPI, Audrey Fleurot knows that she is expected at the turn. A pressure that she does not take lightly, far from it. “This success has overwhelmed us, we could not expect such a success. I put a lot of myself into the character, I improvise a lot, so if it hadn’t worked it would have been a lot more painful than any other show. I would have experienced that as a form of disenchantmentadmits the sublime redhead, mother of a little boy named Lou, 6 years old. So it’s reassuring, flattering, but it’s a bit of a poisoned gift because it puts crazy pressure for season 2. I have a responsibility on my shoulders that is not easy.”

There is no doubt that viewers will be there tonight to follow the very first episodes of season 2 of HPI !

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