How will we travel in 2023? | The duty

This text is part of the special book Plaisirs

Wellness, luxury and sustainability are among the major post-pandemic tourism trends.

While mental health issues have never been so much in the headlines, travel is proving to be a way for many to take care of themselves. Already very popular before the pandemic, vacations focused on the practice of a sport, meditation or yoga have new followers both in Quebec and elsewhere in the world. Shipping companies have notably added cruises on the themes of well-being and disconnection. A growing number of hotel chains are also investing in the niche. Kerzner International, which owns Atlantis Resorts & Residences and One & Only Resorts, has, for example, just inaugurated Siro, dedicated to well-being.

In addition, festivals focusing on healing are on the increase. Some, like BaliSpirit Festival, one of the biggest yoga events in the world, resumed operations in 2022 after an enforced two-year break. Others, including the Norr Festival, in Vallée Bras-du-Nord, near Quebec City, were born in the midst of a pandemic. Describing itself as “the largest gathering of outdoor communities in Quebec”, the event is an opportunity to slow down in the great outdoors. Inspired by shinrin yoku practiced since the 1950s in Japan, forest bathing, a kind of guided meditation designed to relearn how to “feel” nature, is now popular all over the world.

Holder of the Transat Tourism Chair, Marc-Antoine Vachon also emphasizes the considerable contribution of travel to mental health. “Travel has always had an impact on mental health, but we are more ready to invest in taking care of it,” he said, adding that inflation does not seem to be stopping travel plans for the moment. Quebecers.

Luxury and sustainable tourism

Despite soaring prices, the wealthy seem more determined than ever to afford the best. “Luxury has never been so popular,” underlines Mr. Vachon. Last year is the period with the most luxury hotel searches on the web since 2008.”

Another interesting element: the word “sustainable” has also made its way among the words most often entered in the search tools. “People are looking for ‘sustainable luxury hotels’,” explains the expert. This is part of the values ​​that intertwine and materialize in planning behaviors. »

Between greenwashing and real commitment, it is not always easy for consumers to make sense of things, in tourism as in other areas. Coordinator of Tourisme durable Québec, Geneviève Turner observes a growing openness and spirit of sharing among the members of the organization, who are gradually becoming aware of the importance of collaboration rather than competition. “Great initiatives and good practices are multiplying, so there will be more and more eco-responsible choices for travelers,” she believes. […] Of course, we must remain critical, ask questions and not hesitate to discuss with our guests to let them know what is important to us. Even the most resistant to change cannot ignore their client’s request. »

After nature, culture

According to a survey conducted for Expedia brands by the firm OnePoll with 24,000 participants in 17 countries, 41% of Quebec travelers have considered visiting a destination after having seen it in a program or in a film they have seen. watched on a streaming platform. Événements attractions Québec’s annual survey of Quebecers’ winter visit intentions also reveals that 76% of the active Quebec population considers it likely or very likely to do at least one cultural activity or to visit a festival or event during the cold season. Conducted with 1,000 respondents, the study highlights an increased interest in indoor cultural outings and performance halls.

This does not mean that the enthusiasm for nature has faded. The experiences on the farm and the search for authenticity are also part of the elements that emerge from the Expedia study. Nevertheless, we no longer seek at all costs to hide in the depths of the woods and we reconnect with the pleasure of attending a concert.

Create your own story

The Expedia survey also demonstrates a desire to break the monotony like never before. “In 2023, travelers will refuse any semblance of normality, even if it means breaking the routine and seeking out uncompromising experiences,” the report says. Whether it’s a question of unusual getaways, buying plane tickets to a distant destination or preparing their own chef’s table with a view of the surrounding landscape, travelers are tired of continuing to adapt to a new normal. Rather, they will create their own reality. »

The hotel chains have understood this well. Hyatt Hotels Corporation has just announced the continued growth of its brands The Unbound Collection by Hyatt, Destination by Hyatt and JdV by Hyatt until 2025. In each of The Unbound Collection properties, unusual experiences such as aerial yoga or beekeeping are on the program. The small hotels of JdV (for “joie de vivre”) by Hyatt offer, for their part, to connect customers and inhabitants.

Long live the travel advisors!

The chaos of recent years seems to have deterred many vacationers from organizing their getaways themselves. As a result, travel agencies that have weathered the storm find themselves overwhelmed with requests.

Group stays are popular again, especially in reduced form. Groupe voyages Québec (GVQ) has just launched a new collection of accompanied trips for 18 people or less called Select. In Western Canada, Discover Canada Tours is focusing on smaller group tours.

This special content was produced by the Special Publications team of the Homework, relating to marketing. The drafting of Homework did not take part.

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