The arrangements for this day have been defined on the National Assembly website, which specifies that the session will begin at 3:30 p.m. in Versailles, and that the voting will be open for 45 minutes.
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It may be a historic day. Monday March 4, the “freedom guaranteeing the woman to have recourse to a voluntary termination of pregnancy” will be examined by Congress, which may choose to ratify the inclusion of this reform in the Constitution. This will require a three-fifths majority of the votes cast by deputies and senators.
The terms of this day have been clearly defined on the website of the National Assembly, which specifies that “the explanations of vote, lasting 5 minutes, will take place alternately between the groups of the National Assembly and the Senate, in descending order of their respective numbers”. Other information: the session will begin at 3:30 p.m., and voting will be open for 45 minutes. The Congress of Parliament will sit at the Palace of Versailles, in the South Wing hemicycle.
If the constitutional revision is successful, France will become the first country to explicitly authorize abortion in its Constitution, other countries having introduced it into their fundamental law indirectly or only in certain specific cases. The inclusion of abortion in the Constitution has already passed its most delicate stage in Parliament on Wednesday with the favorable vote of the Senate, after three hours of agitated discussions.